I’m Bloggin', I wanna Blog it with you!
Thursday, all is forgiven. You have redeemed yourself: we are friends for life!
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet...
For some reason, unbeknown to myself, Thursdays HAD become my ‘annus horribilis’ (okay, not my ‘annus horribilis’, my ‘horribilis’ day; but, I failed languages at school so the Latin (not that I studied Latin) for ‘horrible day’ escapes me. Plus, I’m having fun imagining myself speaking like the Queen.) Anyway, I digress. Thursdays of late have, undoubtedly, deserved the ole one fingered salute!
I woke up this morning seriously thinking: “Thursday? Nope, I’ll pass, ta. I’ll give it a swerve - (envisage me in a high vis jacket marshalling Friday in: parking that baby unceremoniously in Thursday’s spot!) bring on Friend-day. I don’t have the energy for Thursday’s shenanigans.”
I closed my eyes, clicked the heels of my Ruby slippers together three times and said: “There’s no day like Friday. There’s no day like Friday. There’s no day like Friday.”
Sadly, Glinda’s (the 'good' witch from the Wizard of Oz) wand is in the Wand Shop for an MOT. The magic didn’t happen so I put my big girl pants on and squared up to the day. The scales of sleep fell from my eyes, and I walked, rather sullenly, down stairs.
Signing off for an hour. MasterChef: The Professionals is on...in the words of Fagin: “Be back soon...”
Peace, joy and tranquility is to follow in part deux....Glinda (Lou Mycroft) did her thang and sprinkled fairy dust on my day!
Part Deux: Joyful Education
Flashback (structural feature - I can't help myself - I'm an English teacher):
Thursday, 7.15 am: I tuned into Joyful Education’s live broadcast with Lou; my day was transformed. My spirits were lifted. I felt joy. Joy, I tell ya!
I was part of a community; I allowed myself a 15 minute pause point. I was energised. I stopped listening to the chatter in my head. I had space to still my mind. I found my thankful! Sadly, I had lost my thankful a few Thursdays ago....or did I? Did I throw my thankful away? Did my emotions get the better of me and make me reckless with my thankful!
Never be reckless with your thankful....embrace every moment of joy and thankfulness in every day.
At 1.15 on Thursday afternoon, I surveyed my students calmly, silently and studiously reflecting upon their work. The room was still and a hub of tranquility, and at that moment, my heart was full. I was truly thankful to the young people who had faced their fears and who were doing their best to succeed.
I think sometimes, as educators, we fear silence; however, silence can be empowerment. The young people in my class were embracing reflection and demonstrating resilience.
I am happy to be re-united with my thankful! Despite the dark moments, I am thankful that I am able to teach...
As I sit here and contemplate, I know that Thursday is my friend. I know that the day isn’t to blame.
Our mind is a slippery little sucker! It plays games with our emotions and clouds our clarity.
Every day is the same. Every day opens up new possibilities. Be thankful for every new day, especially at the moment.
“We’ll be friends forever, won’t we Pam?” asked Thursday.
“Even longer,” Pam answered.
“It’s not happy people who are thankful. It’s thankful people who are happy.”
Right, enough of the contemplation. Pass the remote. I missed MasterChef because I was ‘Bloggin!
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